HOTB2020 Panel 7.1: From Emergency to Emergent -Cenes



Panel 7.1: From Emergency to Emergent -Cenes

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“Climate Justice Now: Transforming the Anthropocene into the Ecozoic Era”

Cara Judea Alhadeff (Independent Scholar)

“Ecological Gyre Theory: Vortextual Thinking After the Ecologic Turn”

Chantelle Mitchell and Jaxon Waterhouse (Independent Scholar (Mitchell) and University of Tasmania (Waterhouse))

“New Imaginaries in the Anthropocene”

Dee Horne (University of Northern British Columbia)

“‘Ancient Permanence’: Thomas Hardy and the Anthropocene”

Jacqueline Dillion (Pepperdine University)



Q & A

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Note that questions and comments can be intended for individual speakers, the entire panel, or anyone who has posted to the Q&A. Respond directly to a particular question/comment by way of the little “reply” below it. The vertical threadlike lines are there to make it easier to see which part of the discussion (i.e. “thread”) you are taking up. 

2 replies
  1. Dee Horne says:

    Please add your comments and ideas about ways to take constructive action towards one or all of these: racism, global warming, social and economic inequalities.

    I am checking this comment area daily but may not be able to reply until July 16. I welcome comments. Enjoy the conference!

  2. Lucien Darjeun Meadows says:

    Jacqueline, what a treat to watch your presentation on Hardy! The Return of the Native is one of my favorite Victorian novels — I just finished re-reading it, a few days ago, in preparation for my comps this fall — in large part due to Hardy’s depiction of Egdon Heath. On the heath, time becomes slippery (I think of how Clym, toward the end, walks the heath and is at least as “present,” in multiple senses of the word, as the ancient peoples who built the barrows). I’m grateful for your connections to A Pair of Blue Eyes, and also to Woolf’s work — and I am curious, given that Hardy is connecting the more archaic-yet-timeless Egdon Heath in Return to what you describe as this prescient Anthropocene awareness, is this like the work happening with Stonehenge in Tess, and/or Greenhill in Far From the Madding Crowd? or maybe these spaces are doing something different?

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