Panel 14: Ecopsychology
Panel 14: Ecopsychology
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Paradoxical Perspectives on Cultural Psychotherapy: What is a Cultural Intervention?
Chris Robertson, Climate Psychology Alliance (speaking on his own behalf)
Seldom addressed in COP21 were the underlying cultural and social dynamics that constrain people from acting in ways that fit their espoused values. This talk seeks to address these issues by looking at how psychotherapists are able to understand these cultural dynamics and complexes that may hinder environmental action (more).
Against Anthropocene and for the Ecocritical Psyche
Susan Rowland, Pacifica Graduate Institute
This paper seeks to shed light on the ecocritical psyche. Made possible through Jung’s psychoanalysis, it teaches that what we know of climate change remains open and receptive to epistemologies of intuition, embodied knowing, feeling, eros, connectivity and creativity, as well as the rational disciplines that dominate the scientific Anthropocene. Tackling climate change requires re-membering the humanities as necessary partner to rejuvenation (more).
On The Brink of Extinction
Jon Mills, Adler Graduate Professional School
Are we on the brink of human extinction? This paper delves into the risks humanities faces, risks that primarily are due to our own actions. Acknowledging the interconnected planetary ecological crisis we have initiative that may precipitate such a collapse of civilization, this talk forces us to consider the real possibility of actions that could lead to our demise (more).
Q & A
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