Featured Panel: What Will It Take to Win?
THE WORLD IN 2050: CREATING/IMAGINING JUST CLIMATE FUTURES A NEARLY CARBON-NEUTRAL CONFERENCE Featured Panel: What Will it Take to Win? A Discussion of Bill McKibben, the Climate Mobilization Victory Plan, and the World War 2 Mobilization Idea [easy-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail” counters=0 native=”no” image=https://live-ehc-english-ucsb-edu-v01.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/yusuke-asai-waf-1.jpg url=https://live-ehc-english-ucsb-edu-v01.pantheonsite.io/?p=15122 facebook_text=Share twitter_text=Tweet linkedin_text=Link text=”What Will it Take to Win? at #ehi16 nearly carbon-free […]