Lecturer, Writing
Amy Propen earned her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication from the University of Minnesota in 2007. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Technical and Professional Writing from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and English from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. Her research focuses on how visual, material, and written artifacts and genres function rhetorically to give voice to underrepresented groups or allow for the creation of new knowledge-making practices. Underpinning my scholarly work is the notion that rhetoric and technical communication can function in the service of advocacy. Her research interests include visual and material rhetorics, environmental rhetorics, digital and posthuman rhetorics, rhetoric and technical communication as advocacy work, writing in the disciplines, classical and contemporary rhetorical theory, animal studies, human geography, critical cartographies, and critical GIS.
Personal homepage: amypropen.com
EHC Course: Writing About Sustainability