Professor, Art and College of Creative Studies
Jane Mulfinger is an avid collector of human artifacts, engaging her audience in visceral and perceptual reflections on the significances of human activity in site-specific installations, performance, and sculpture. A new series of constructed photography and exterior installations focuses on the concurrent effects of time passing [duration] and the movement [migration] of masses. Concretely, along with other architectural sites, this series utilizes the neglected and deteriorating hull of architect Julia Morgan’s once elegant Pasadena YWCA building as a point of departure. Her publications have included Flash Art (Italian version), Art and Design, Contemporary Visual Art, Untitled, The Economist, The Times (London), The Guardian, and La Stampa, The Los Angeles Times and regular coverage in London’s Time-Out Magazine under the direction of Sarah Kent. Radio interviews include BBC Cambridge, Radio 1 Austria, and a video interview with Le Cube Paris, Vimeo, and Daily Motion. Most recently, she has collaborated with artist/writer Stephanie Washburn on a series of papers and exhibitions based on their mutual interest in humor in contemporary art.
Personal homepage: www.arts.ucsb.edu/faculty/mulfinger
EH Course: Intro to Contemporary Practice II: Spatial Studies