Professor, History
Sharon Farmer earned her Ph.D. at Harvard University. Her current academic interests include medieval women and gender, relations between Northern France and the Mediterranean, medieval environmental history, and forms of vulnerability in pre-modern societies. She is author of Communities of Saint Martin: Legend and Ritual in Medieval Tours (1991), Surviving Poverty in Medieval Paris: Gender, Ideology and the Daily Lives of the Poor (2001), and an editor of Gender and Difference in the Middle Ages (2002) and the exhibition catalogue Framing the Word: The Making of the Modern Bible, c. 1250-1611 (UCSB library’s department of Special Collections, May 15 – July 15 2011). Professor Farmer has a strong interest in public engagement through her research and has participated in the UCSB Humanities Centre’s series on “Public Goods”, speaking in conjunction with modern researchers on poverty.
EH Course: Society and Nature in the Middle Ages