Associate Professor, Religious Studies
Inéz Talamontez holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego. She specializes in Native American studies, exploring this area in Anthropology, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature. She arrived at UCSB in 1979 from Dartmouth College to develop the area of Native American Religious Traditions. Since then she has developed ten undergraduate courses in this area of study and has taught a variety of graduate seminars. She co-edited Teaching Religion and Healing (AAR Teaching Religious Studies), a volume designed to help instructors incorporate discussion of healing into their courses and to encourage the development of courses focused on religion and healing. It brings together essays by leading experts in a range of disciplines and addresses the role of healing in many different religious traditions and cultural communities. Professor Talamontez’s emphasis on teaching and mentoring is critical to her work, as is field research.
EH Course: Religion and Ecology in the Americas