Introductory films on the Anthropocene

Welcome to the Anthropocene

This short film, which opened the UN’s Rio+20 sustainability summit, provides a sweeping introduction to the anthropocene – arguably a new geological era brought about by human action (more about the film).

Climate Change — The state of the science

The data visualization visualizes several of the most significant statements in the IPCC’s latest summary for policymakers published September 2013. This summary covers the physical science basis of climate change (more about the film).

Water in the Anthropocene

This 3-minute film charting the global impact of humans on the water cycle, charting how human activities such as damming and agriculture are changing the global water cycle in significant ways (more about the film).

An Urbanizing Planet

Actor Edward Norton narrates this explanation of the challenges and opportunities that come with an increasingly urbanized planet (more on this film).